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LEED GA Complete Exam Prep Overview |
This LEED Green Associate V4 Complete Exam Prep contains 9-hour online exam prep course, study guide, practice tests, and study sheets, and is designed to make you pass the LEED GA exam with flying colors in as little as 3 weeks. With 9 hours of expert video instruction, the test taker will truly learn the real reasons behind the green building and LEED principles through observation, and will be able to actively apply them in real life. While watching the LEED GA exam prep course, the test taker will be able to follow the modules from the LEED Green Associate V4 Exam Complete Study Guide which has been widely adopted as the primary course material in the universities throughout the United States. The course and the study guide both have the same flow. In other words, there is no need to read the study guide after completing the course. Instead, the test-taker will be able to follow the modules from the study guide while watching the course. With the completion of the online course, the LEED Green Associate study sheets (PDF) will summarize the most important information that will be needed during the LEED Green Associate exam, and the online LEED GA practice tests will ensure a first time success on the actual exam! |
Introduction to Green Buildings and Sustainability
Environmental Impacts of Built Environments
Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Climate Change and Green Buildings
·9 hours of expert video instruction.
·Designed to make you pass the exam on your first try, without any stress.
·The course makes you truly learn the real reasons behind the green building and LEED principles through observation, and bring you to a point that you can actively apply them in real life.
·All of the chapters contain guidance on the aspects that require extensive attention, while we will point out the finer details to focus on for the exam purposes.
·Has been widely adopted as the primary course material for bachelor's and master's degree classes in architecture and civil engineering in universities throughout the United States.
·Perfect for using with our LEED Green Associate Exam Prep Course as both have the same flow.
·Covers the whole exam scope - 320 pages (8.5'' x 11'').
·Paperback and hardcover editions ship the next business day via USPS Priority Shipping within the U.S. or DHL worldwide. The digital edition is available for instant access.
·4 full-length online practice exams (400 questions).
·Prepared in the same scope and format of the actual LEED GA exam.
·Provides detailed feedback and answer explanations.
·Provides complete coverage of all the test topics and assess whether the test taker’s knowledge is up to the challenge to ensure a first time success on the actual exam.
·Detailed answer explanations support test taker’s progress and help the test taker master every aspect of the test.
·56 pages (8.5''x11'') downloadable PDF study sheets.
·Designed to fill in any missing knowledge and make a big impact on the reader's score in a little time.
·Summarizes the most important strategies of each credit category and points out the important programs and standards that will make up the critical section of the actual exam.
We very well know that for some people, the exam preparation journey is fun! While some people are just okay with it. And for the rest, the whole exam preparation journey can become a total nightmare! An exam preparation can even cause sleeping disorders and stress! And at the end, just passing the exam may not do any help to your career at all, if the information you think you’ve learned, is forgotten! But, how can you forget any information that you truly learn? Learning is totally different than memorizing.
For us, this LEED Green Associate V4 Complete Exam Prep must establish two goals at once. The first goal is to make you truly learn the real reasons behind the green building and LEED principles through observation, and bring you to a point that you can actively apply them in real life. Once this goal is accomplished, the second goal will easily follow. And that goal is to make you pass the exam on your first try, without any stress or sleeping disorders.
It does not matter what type of learner you are; we can assure you that we will turn your exam preparation process into an enjoyable journey.
Before taking this course, you are not expected to have any previous experience with green buildings. However, with the completion of this course, you will be equipped with all the information that will enable you to pass the LEED Green Associate exam, on your first try! All of the chapters contain guidance on the aspects that require extensive attention, while we will point out the finer details to focus on for the exam purposes. While watching the course, you will be able to follow the course modules from the LEED Green Associate V4 Exam Complete Study Guide (Second Edition) as both have the same flow. The LEED Green Associate V4 Exam Complete Study Guide (Second Edition) has been widely adopted as the primary course material in the universities throughout the United States.
It does not matter how much time passes after taking the exam, as learning the real reasons behind the green building and LEED principles through observation will help to consolidate this information concisely.
Even though the LEED Green Associate exams are sometimes referred to as conceptual exams, in reality the exam goes well beyond that. Without diving into the LEED prerequisites and credits, a candidate cannot ever guarantee passing the test; as a result, in this course, we will cover the core concepts of each LEED credit category, and then evaluate the LEED prerequisites and credits to demonstrate how those green building concepts turn into real projects with LEED requirements.
With the completion of this course, the study sheets will reinforce knowledge and ensure a solid exam preparation. In the last phase, with online practice tests, you will be exposed to the actual exam scope and format. Detailed answer explanations will support your progress and help you master every aspect of the test.
Please sit back and enjoy your new green career, even before earning your LEED credential!
Let’s get started!
The paperback and hardcover editions of the study guide ship the next business day via USPS Priority Shipping within the U.S. or DHL worldwide. The digital edition is available for instant access. The delivery time frame for your location will be displayed under the "Shipping" section at checkout.
Online exam prep tools—including exam prep courses, practice tests, and study sheets—are available for instant access after purchase.